Predictions Coronavirus 2020 to 2024, World Predictions Coronavirus Future
Predictions Coronavirus 2020, World Predictions 2024, World Predictions Coronavirus Future, Coronavirus Psychic Predictions 2020 to 2024. I have some coronavirus predictions for 2020 and beyond as well as world predictions for the coronavirus in the future. I drew some tarot cards to get some insight into the global epidemic and the state of affairs for the world at large for the future year. I accurately predicted back in November 2019 that the world would see a deadly epidemic on my 2020 World Predictions video on YouTube.
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The coronavirus or COVID-19 belongs to the same family of viruses similar to the SARS epidemic of the past. However, this particular pandemic is much worse than the SARS outbreak. The Seven of Swords certainly represents the confusion that has surrounded this deadly disease since it first reared its ugly head months ago. There is so much deception misinformation and lies about.
Please be careful about your sources of information. Get your information from reputable sites like the CDC or the World health organization. The Devil and the Death card suggest that there may be some truth to the conspiracy theorists that somehow this whole thing was planned. That there is another agenda that we are not aware of. The coronavirus has hit the world very hard and has reached every corner of our precious earth. I feel the Death card represents only the beginning of the people who will be tragically lost to this disease. The world will be suffering more people coming down with this disease end it is likely to get worse before it gets better. I feel the first week or seven days of April could be a peak moment for this disease.
The Hermit and the Hanged Man suggest that this could go on for quite some time. The Tower suggests that not only will this go on for a while before we are over it but there will be a big restructuring of how people see and handle contagions. This has been a big wakeup call also for the people of the earth that we have to change to protect the earth. A noticeable change is happening now as pollution levels drop in the first two cities in China that quarantined entire cities. The Ten of Swords suggests that yes, more people will become worried and may come down with the disease but you can see there is light beyond the doom and gloom. We will eventually get through this. We are a strong race of human beings all over the world. Stay calm but aware and do your best not to overreact or panic. Will all get through this and it will be OK. The Page of Cups suggests that there will be a vaccine found sometime this year. Possibly sometime in the summer around July or even before.
Predictions Coronavirus 2020 to 2024, After Covid 19 the Future of the World
I drew a second spread of tarot cards to see the world as a whole after the coronavirus epidemic has finished and to see how this will all play out in the future. The Nine of Swords suggests that there was going to be a need for a lot of healing and emotional support. Many people’s lives will have changed and they have a new path to face. Some of these people will be facing this new path alone unfortunately. After the world has healed financial markets will continue to be topsy-turvy for most of 2020 but will settle out towards the end of the year. If you can help it hang onto your money as much as you can.
The Six of Swords suggests there is a new Hope and a new beginning on the horizon. The cards in combination with some planetary energies of Saturn entering Aquarius on March 21, 2020 suggest that this coronavirus could have to really run its course and may not be finished completely for about two years. Saturn has not been in the sign of Aquarius since 1994. Since Aquarius is an air sign, it could accelerate this disease especially when Saturn has conflict with another planet or Pluto is in a conjunction, Square or opposition to your personal horoscope. People with challenged Pluto’s or Saturn’s in their horoscope may be more susceptible to picking up the coronavirus and should be extra vigilant to keep them self in self-isolation.
Also, Pluto will be entering the sign of Aquarius in 2024 where it will stay for a very long time. Pluto will be in Aquarius from 2024 until 2042. When it enters Aquarius in 2024, it’s possible that there will be another surge of disease’s, epidemics or maybe even another pandemic. There could be problems with the air we breathe or there’s a lack of it. There might also be more concerns or threats to large numbers of people because of some other kind of airborne toxin or communicable disease.
But for the remainder of this year until such time, the Sun card suggests that indeed we will get over this and the majority of us will survive. The Empress suggests there will be a surge or a boom of new children born as people of the world are rejuvenated after the storm. The new boom or generation of children may even be called something like “corona kids”. The World card and the Three of Cups, suggest that we should use this time alone to heal yourself, your spirit, your mind and your body. Stay calm, do what you can in your living space to make yourself happy.
I’ve read articles that suggest that Vitamin C can really help boost your immunity and may help calm down the effects of the coronavirus. You might want to try taking echinacea or eating more garlic to boost your immunity. Something else I recommend is that you see if you can tap into a source of local, natural, raw honey that has not been pasteurized. Try to get this honey from a local source such as a farmer’s market from as close to where you live as possible. This is because the bees are collecting the flowers that make the honey around where you live and the pollen in these flowers can help boost your immunity. This is especially true if you are someone that has health problems, is sickly or if you’ve just moved to a new location.
Spend more time with your family if you have them and if you’re on your own know that you’re not alone really. We’re all in this together and there’s many of us alone. It’ll be all right. We’ll get through this together and eventually we will celebrate as seen in the Three of Cups. There will be plenty of reason to celebrate in the future. The Three of Cups also suggests that it wouldn’t hurt in these troubled times to enjoy a glass of wine or indulge in some other relaxant or herbal entertainment to help you get through this long dark night. Healing, love and light. Take care. Feel free to Share.
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